SIP Calculator

  1. Calculation Logic:
    • The formula used to calculate the maturity amount in SIP is: MaturityAmount=P×((1+r)n−1r)×(1+r)Maturity Amount = P \times \left(\frac{(1 + r)^n – 1}{r}\right) \times (1 + r)MaturityAmount=P×(r(1+r)n−1​)×(1+r) Where:
      • P = Monthly investment amount
      • r = Expected monthly return rate (annual rate divided by 12)
      • n = Total number of months (years * 12)
  2. Chart:
    • A pie chart is generated using Highcharts to visually represent the breakdown between the total investment and the estimated returns.
  3. Responsive Design:
    • The layout adapts for different screen sizes, ensuring the calculator is mobile-friendly.
  4. Highcharts Integration:
    • A pie chart is included to show the breakdown between the total investment and estimated returns, providing a visual element similar to the reference site.

This calculator is ready to be integrated into a WordPress post/page and offers a modern, user-friendly experience!